Fun, Free Things to Do (in The Free State)

The polar vortex brought record low temps to Maryland this week and – with it –some snow and school closings. 


If you want to get out of the house this weekend, and don’t want to freeze or break the bank, here are some fun, indoor activities around Maryland that are absolutely free. 


Baltimore’s free art museums: Consider visiting the Baltimore Museum of Art, which shares its campus with Johns Hopkins University, or the Walters Art Museum, located in Mount Vernon.  Both museums are free of charge and offer incredible collections of world class art.  The BMA boasts 95,000 works of art—including the largest holding of works by Henri Matisse in the world. The Walters is home to 36,000 objects from around the world and across centuries.  Visit their websites for more information and hours.


The National Cryptologic Museum: Located adjacent to the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, the National Cryptologic Museum “houses thousands of artifacts that collectively serve to sustain the history of the cryptologic profession.”  Visitors will get a glimpse into the secret world of code making and code breaking and learn its importance in our nation’s history.  Visit their website for more information.


National Capital Radio and Television Museum:  The National Capital Radio and TV Museum has a collection of vintage radios and televisions, as well as an extensive collection of broadcast related artifacts.  The museum can be toured on your own, or you can sign up for a free guided tour. If you are interested in broadcasting or media of any kind, this museum is worth a visit.


NASA Goddard Visitors Center: Perfect for visitors of all ages, NASA Goddard Visitors Center provides activities, exhibits and events that will pique your scientific curiosity and give you a window into the future.  You can explore the universe with your feet firmly planted on earth.